INSANITY: The Asylum™ News

INSANITY: The Asylum™ is all about taking it to the next level. You'll jump higher. Dig Deeper®. And do more than get INSANE results

The Healthiest Meal of the Day

This patent-pending daily nutritional shake helps your body gently eliminate toxins more efficiently while allowing for better absorption of the essential nutrients you need.*

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You are my motivation and inspiration too! Follow me on my journey with similar hurtles to reach our ultimate goal.


Trainer Tony Horton will transform your body in just 90 days. P90X® is a revolutionary system that constantly introduces new moves to challenge your muscles and give you extraordinary results.

Is Your Results Inspiring Others?

Whether your passion is helping people get fit, making a little extra money, or being your own boss, becoming a Team Beachbody Coach offers unlimited opportunities.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

We really are what we eat!

Today ... i look at my HUGH bottle of water (74 oz) .... and cant help but feel GOOD!! GREAT EVEN!!!!!!! i think about how i use to eat before my journey of Shaun T's INSANITY vs now .... and i cant seem to understand why i ate the way i did!! do you??

I mean, Fast food when my wife and i felt like it! I mean ... McDonald's was our first choice! WE LOVED THE DOLLAR DOULBE CHEESE BURGER!!!! the 3 cookies .. the whole dollar menu was GREAT!! after that we were on a mission to fine the BEST Dollar menu of all!! We tried them all! Jack in the Box became our next phase .. $99 for a BIG Cheeseburger WAS THE BEST!! BLEW AWAY McDonal's version ... That and the curly fries we couldn't help but love it!!!! .. THHEENNNN we found the best of them all .... Carls Jr.'s "BIG CARL" ... if you haven't tried that, IT WAS GOOD!! Thats all we went for!!! Those where the day!!

Makes you hungry doesn't it??? ...... well ..... think about it for a second! Im hungry too writing about it!! LOL

Eating those great American Favorites in that moment was GREAT!!! Think about it .... "We are what we eat!"
Think about the moment eating these thing, Remember THAT moment ........ "We are what we eat!"
Life is great when eating it isn't it .....?

Now think about .... think about the moment after you've finished eating that meal, with the drink and the large fries or what ever it is thats your favorite!!! Think about the moment when its all done and in your body

"We are what we eat!"

Think about HOW YOU FELT!!! Did you feel different?????? Was your body telling you something? did you even notice?
The fullness, the bolting maybe .. the gas maybe??? all the signs that your body gives you is telling us something .. do you agree?

"We really are what we eat!"

Not eat fresh fruit, grilled chicken, veggies etc ..... then think about it ... how do you feel???

"We really are what we eat!"

Monday, March 29, 2010

Day 1, Round 2 of Shaun T's Insanity!

Today was a great day!! DAY ONE of Shaun T's INSANITY with the support of others knowing that they are on the same journey, if its there first or second time, i believe that there will be moments we all can relate too!!! Today i know my numbers would be no different than my last fit test a few days ago! Im excited to reach this new me that im sculpting one day at a time! I hope you are too!! If not, Visit my site in the mean time to see how i can help you change your life forever!!

Friday, March 26, 2010

For Life - Commitment

i thought ....

I get overwhelmed thinking how CRAZY this is, i wake up early every morning just to sweat my pants off!!! and for what? to look good? feel good? for my family? to live long? maybe even taking control of one aspect of my life i know i have full control over? it could be all or a combination! Maybe your reasons are different and more meaningful! My father told me this week that this could me a one time thing were you look and feel good for a second, if you want to feel good and look good this is FOREVER!!! Committing to a healthy diet and workout is tough, but if you want it, you got to keep being consistent!!!! If your like me and you remember the pure reason of why you did it on day one, keep that thought going EVERYDAY, and make that your driver and reason to not miss a day!!! Yess you will get to a point where you feel it isnt necessary, but the moment you forget your pure reason, it will lead to the moment you become what you once was!

Your NOW is what was developed from your past, your FUTURE is what you plan to do today!!!!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Your biggest supporters!!

What i've learned is that like most people, we tend to be shy about working out in fornt of others especially when they are not in shape (me) and we even get iffy when it comes to going to an actually gym or ordering something from TV and then wasting our time and money!! The decision you've made to purchase a in-home workout program is one of the best things you can think of doing! Why would you want to go to a gym pay for membership and the have the feeling of being uncomfortable. That can be a drainer in your motivation towards success! The privacy of your home will help you succeed!! You will never have to worry about looking funny or not doing it right, but you learn, listen and continue to push play EVERYDAY!!!! As i think back on my Journey of Insanity .. i can't help but think about the people who supported me the most! Remember the people around you who cares about you and want to see you succeed!! Be vocal and honest about what you are about to take on in your home!! Tell them before day one!! What you will find is people who want to make sure you're making the difference! They want you to succeed!! Find them!! They are your cheerleaders!!

I want to send a special thanks to Candice Ayala, my beautiful wife who has supported and never thought i was wasting my time or money!! Thank you for your understanding my journey of insanity, and the meny more thats coming! Thank you for making sure i didn't eat the chocolate candy in the house when i needed it, Thank you for reminding me that they are alternatives to things i can eat! Thank you for having options in our home to choose from! Thank you for pushing me out of bed when you thought i wasn't going to get up! Thank you for just the reminder of "are you going to work out today?" Your words and your support contributed to my progress and success! Thank you for being my cheerleader!! I will be yours too!!!

Find Your Biggest Supports!!!

Always Remember, they will support and will help you when you fall, but remind yourself that YOU make the difference, YOU made the commitment to become healthier and fit! YOU will make the choice to make time needed EVERYDAY to succeed! YOU WILL SCULPT THE BODY YOU WERE MEANT TO HAVE!!!! YOU WILL DO THAT!! stay focus and committed, this is a lifestyle!! Only YOU will make it happen!!

Day 63 Results!!!

Insanity DAY 63!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Day 1 to Day 63
Measurement Tracker
Chest 40" to 39.5"
Right Arm 12" to 13"
Left Arm 12" to 12.5"
Waist 38" to 34"
Hips 35.5" to 34"
Right Thigh 22.5" to 22"
Left Thigh 21.5" to 21.5"
Weight 175" to 160"

Fit Test
64 to 130
48 to 65
43 to 103
10 to 56
7 to 8
8 to 17
16 to 30
28 to 58

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Day 62 thoughts

Im setting here thinking how proud i am of accomplishing this program! Yess i had some days i wanted to give up and there were days i didn't want to get up and do it. But I DID IT!! WOKE UP AND MADE TIME!!! I just committed and dedicate my self to this! I want people to have the feeling im feeling right now, that even though its 60 day, at the end of it all it is such a great feeling knowing you accomplished just getting it done from beginning to end! I didn't get the 100% results i was looking for like all the people on TV, but i did get results!! 15lb less results!! That's better than having those extra 15lb and not feeling at my best! Shaun T took me to a level in 60 day that i didn't know was possible! Thank you! I want inspire you and other to have this feeling and get on there path to success!! Im an average person waiting to get the best body i know i was meant to have!! I'm inspires to show you my journey as i take on round 2 of Insanity and eating Heather! We all can have it, lets just TAKE IT!!! Be apart of Team "Scuplt the New You"!

Day 62 doing Shaun T's Insanity Program

I cant believe tomorrow will be Day 63 doing Beachbody's Insanity Program! I FINISHED IT!!!!! I feel accomplished! Although i am far from the results i want, i will give you an update of where i started and when i've finished with pictures!! I also get to submit my images to get a FREE Insanity "I EARNED IT" T-shirt, I'm excited for that!!! 15lb lighter i enjoyed every bit of it! I'm also excited to start a second round!! IM IN AND READY!!! im starting Monday March 29th!!!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Im here! READY!! LETS DO THIS!!!!