INSANITY: The Asylum™ News

INSANITY: The Asylum™ is all about taking it to the next level. You'll jump higher. Dig Deeper®. And do more than get INSANE results

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This patent-pending daily nutritional shake helps your body gently eliminate toxins more efficiently while allowing for better absorption of the essential nutrients you need.*

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Thursday, April 8, 2010

Insanity's Day 11 struggle!

I work out around 5:30 everyday! the last few days was TOUGH!!! The workouts are always tough but im referring to getting up and making it happen!! I think about all the things people have going on in there lives, HUGE families, work that may not be the typical 9 to 5, etc ... and think ... life balance is hard!!!! I think if anything making time to work out is a "me" time, and i shouldn't let ANYTHING (personal or emotionally) from the days before break or hinder the amount of time that i put in to this so far!! Why would i make it so far to give up or even pause for a few days!! Others PAUSE for a few days or even a week and then think that getting back to it hasn't affected a thing! Everyone's different, i view this just like a job or doctors appointment, you make the commitment and time to get to those places without being late or not showing up, so why shouldn't i not do the same for working out!? This is a life changing journey and I wont let what happens in previous days stop me!! I will not make excuses, i will push hard and push play!