INSANITY: The Asylum™ News

INSANITY: The Asylum™ is all about taking it to the next level. You'll jump higher. Dig Deeper®. And do more than get INSANE results

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Thursday, April 1, 2010

URGENT: The scale will LIE to you!

Today is day 4 of my 2nd round of Shaun T's INSANITY!!! I'm remembering my first round and the ups and downs i went through, thinking if this is worth the time, im i getting any results, I HATE YOU SHAUN T im gaining WEIGHT!!!! EVERYDAY i stepped on the scale in hopes that it moves in a direction other than up!

The scale will LIE to you!

I know everyone's body is different, what i would suggest is that you hide the scale for the ENTIRE first month of INSANITY. TRUST ME!!!! If you dont you might have days that are disappointing and you might question what your doing!!! You might just step on the scale and its more than when you begin!! You MIGHT just stay at the same weight for weeks thinking your pushing play and working HARD!!! You might think your failing!! Im telling you ...

The scale will LIE to you!

REMEMBER, to burn fat you need to build muscle! AND YOU WILL BUILD MUSCLE!!! Muscle weighs MORE than fat! if you gained weight, THATS THE REASON WHY!!!

The scale will LIE to you!

You know you are working hard, you know your eating right! KNOW THAT YOU ARE ON THE RIGHT PATH!!! I went through my downs cursing EVERY day at Shaun!! LOL I told him that i will prove him wrong!! I DID and YOU WILL!!!! Dont trust the scale in your first month!! I started dropping weight during recovery week! you might be different, your journey might change.....

Just keep in mind that you may not see results on the scale in month one and thats OKAY!!! WHAT YOU WILL NOTICE is that you clothes will fit better, feel better!! THAT WILL BE A SIGN THAT YOU ARE MAKING PROGRESS!!!! SO Just keep pushing play, keep pushing hard, eat right and I promise you, when day 60 comes, you will be happy with what you've accomplish!!! It might not be the results you see on TV but it will be results!!

Also, Ira posted a great thought on the Insanity Board today i wanted to share! THANKS IRA! "if you are interested in seeing how Insanity is really changing your body, track your body fat, not your weight. There is a body fat calculator at under Eat Smart > Nutrition Tools. If you need an account there, here is a link for a free one: CLICK HERE