INSANITY: The Asylum™ News

INSANITY: The Asylum™ is all about taking it to the next level. You'll jump higher. Dig Deeper®. And do more than get INSANE results

The Healthiest Meal of the Day

This patent-pending daily nutritional shake helps your body gently eliminate toxins more efficiently while allowing for better absorption of the essential nutrients you need.*

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You are my motivation and inspiration too! Follow me on my journey with similar hurtles to reach our ultimate goal.


Trainer Tony Horton will transform your body in just 90 days. P90X® is a revolutionary system that constantly introduces new moves to challenge your muscles and give you extraordinary results.

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Whether your passion is helping people get fit, making a little extra money, or being your own boss, becoming a Team Beachbody Coach offers unlimited opportunities.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Insanity PLUS Shakeology - Day 1

4 days ago i complete my 90th day in my Beachbody Journey using INSANITY. Im dedicated in achieving what most people think is fake or they are VERY skeptical about! My goal: A PURE In-Home workout body from Shaun T's INSANITY. The last 90 days was Beachbody products! I order the program INSANITY and use their supplements: ActiVit Multivitamin Formula and the P90X Recovery Drink! If anything I believe that the P90X Recovery Drink is the minimum supplement needed with any workout! Well, I WAS SOOO IMPRESSED by my results that i wanted to see and feel what ALLLL this talk was, about the product Shakeology ! SO I'VE ADDED IT TO MY DIET and daily Supplements! I put in my order and now im on Day 4 of it and honestly, I LOVE IT!!!! Beside the great taste, i feel good, I have become ALOT regular, which i know its supposed to help in that area, but it was instant after day 1!! lol I mean, if you like the ice-cream rocky road, imagine it as a shake and its HEAVEN!!! Keep in mind i mix it with 2% milk but its AWESOME!!!!!! I was iffy about this, but what most people do not know there is a bottom of the bag guarantee from Beacbody! If yu simply dont like it with in 30 days and its returned befor the 30 days, you can return it for a FULL refund!! THATS WHY I TRIED IT!!! lol

The bag is a 30 day bag, since im taking my pictures every 30 days, why not!!! lol, and im excited to show you my results when im done!!

Try your Shakeology today!!! Go to: