INSANITY: The Asylum™ News

INSANITY: The Asylum™ is all about taking it to the next level. You'll jump higher. Dig Deeper®. And do more than get INSANE results

The Healthiest Meal of the Day

This patent-pending daily nutritional shake helps your body gently eliminate toxins more efficiently while allowing for better absorption of the essential nutrients you need.*

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Trainer Tony Horton will transform your body in just 90 days. P90X® is a revolutionary system that constantly introduces new moves to challenge your muscles and give you extraordinary results.

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Whether your passion is helping people get fit, making a little extra money, or being your own boss, becoming a Team Beachbody Coach offers unlimited opportunities.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Day 90 of Insanity!

DAY 90!!!! Im excited, embarrassed, thankful!! Its amazing to see the transformation I'm going through! Im excited because i can see where this is going! I CAN FEEL IT!!!!!!!!! Im embarrassed because my Day 1 pics was WOW!!!, Why did i let myself go? I know for sure i was happy and enjoying life, but im happier and more confident now too!! Im embarrassed of Day 1 but cant help smile at the progress thats taking place!! Its crazy to see these pictures together! I want YOU to see and feel the same why i do right now! If you feel you need to shape up, IT's INCREDIBLE!! Its hard, doing this each day is REALLY HARD!!! but when you know and believe in what you want! this is EASY!!!! Treat this as if you were going to work!! you make sure you get to work or a doctors appointment on time, ... TREAT THIS THE SAME!!! MAKE THE TIME AND YOU WILL ENJOY IT!!! If you feel you are at a point here you are ready, sign up on my Team Beach Body page here, I will contact you to find you the right program to fit what you want to achieve!

There is a story in my pictures!!! Can you see the story that my pictures side by side shows?? Can you see it in your own journey??
My day 1 through 30 was HELL!!!! I wasnt seeing or feeling the results i wanted! I WANTED TO GIVE UP!!!! I wasnt satisfied and didnt believe that this was going to work!! I told myself everyday for the 1st 30 days that i was going to prove Shaun T wrong!! The scale wasnt treating me right but i didnt let that take me away from what i wanted to accomplish!!! i noticed i started to fit my clothes better near recovery week! I knew that if i wanted results, its not the first 30 days! I realize that my body needed to get use to this all first!!
Then i started to notice and see real results!!! Days 30 to 60!! Can you see it? A little but obvious! That lit a fire within me to PUSH LIKE I HAVENT PUSHED BEFORE!!! MONTH 2 KICKED MY ASS!!!!!!!! But day 60, i lost 15lb total!! I WAS HAPPY!!!! not satisfied but happy!!! After day 63 i was sold and well .... day 90, you can see for yourself!!! My mission is to inspire YOU and be the first with a PURE INSANITY Body!!! NEXT 30 DAYS I WILL OWN!!! cant wait to show my next 30 day final pics!!!

So DONT GIVE UP BECAUSE YOU MIGHT NOT SEE A QUICK RESULT!! Keep pushing play for the FULL 63 days and then compare!! I BET YOU WILL SEE AND FEEL CHANGE!!!!!!

Thank you so far for Shaun T's INSANITY

Check out my side shots at
If you or if you know someone who is ready and determined to make a commitment towards a healthier and fit lifestyle, If you believe you or they will benefit from my words and my determination to see you or them succeed, contact me!!