About Me

About Me:
I'm married to the woman of my dreams and have a son that can keep a person active!!! Back to my wife ... my wife is BEAUTIFUL!!!!! I remember going to bed at nights and in the middle of those night, I would feel uncomfortable sleeping, I realize that my shirt I wore to bed always use to raise up above my stomach! A few night of that I realize that something was happening to me that I knew had to change!! I was reaching my heaviest weight of almost 180lb! To add to this. being at work early and ending late wasn't helping me, I'm a workaholic, I set behind a desk all day and fast food use to be the easiest thing to help any persons busy lifestyle!! I knew I had to make a change!!!!It was a Saturday morning, Real early!!! I use to get up early to still work even when I was off, but i remember watching a infomercial about a workout program. It was a program from the company who made P90X!! This one was INCREDIBLE because you didn't need any weights, it was manly cardio annndddd it guaranteed results in only 60 days compared to the others the company made which was 90 days! The program was called Insanity by Shaun T!! It looked like it could really do some damage to a person!! I was excited and I purchased it before the infomercial ended!! I wanted the free shipping and the free gifts! LOL I knew at that moment it would change my life!!

Watching that infomercial made sense to me!! But when I received the box in the mail, the box had a paragraph that really made me commit!!!! I hope you will get the same feeling when you decide to commit and purchase it! You have to read it for yourself!! I remember hen I got that box I tried hiding it from my wife!! I guess my hope was to do it in the morning while she sleep, I guess I was a shame with the fact that I knew I was overweight and didn't want her to know it! LOL, Love is blind you know! lol But I realize that was a HUGE mistake!! It is comforting knowing that if you tell the people closes to you and you tell them what you are doing, you start to see and realize that people just want to be supportive and see you succeed!! That was the best thing I did! My wife became so supportive and made me stick to eating good!! I remember many mornings I struggled with getting up and my wife was the first to knee me in the back to get out of bed!! She knew I wanted this and she made sure I made it happened! I LOVE HER FOR THAT!! If it wasn't for her kicking me out of bed and preparing the meals that I needed to succeed, I wouldn't have accomplished my first goal with out her!! Now everyone was holding me accountable to my goal and it was a GREAT constant reminder to Keep pushing Play, Keep pushing hard with my nutrition and showing up to push play EVERY SINGLE DAY!!!

I remember struggling with Insanity, I remember I didn't loose any weight until mid way threw! That was when it started to poor off like butter!! I use to curse Shaun T out on the screen and tell him, "This wont work, IT ISN'T WORKING" But I wanted to prove him wrong!! I still had had this fire because I started it and I was committed to finish it, AND I DID!!!

60 Days Later

120 Days Later:

My name is Shaun Ayala! I am a Online Fitness Coach and I'm excited to help you reach your fitness goals! My mission is to "Help People achieve their goals and enjoy a healthy, fulfilling life."
If you want to get fit or have financial freedom, my goal is to guide you to achieve it!

Contact me at ShaunAyala@gmail.com