INSANITY: The Asylum™ News

INSANITY: The Asylum™ is all about taking it to the next level. You'll jump higher. Dig Deeper®. And do more than get INSANE results

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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

We really are what we eat!

Today ... i look at my HUGH bottle of water (74 oz) .... and cant help but feel GOOD!! GREAT EVEN!!!!!!! i think about how i use to eat before my journey of Shaun T's INSANITY vs now .... and i cant seem to understand why i ate the way i did!! do you??

I mean, Fast food when my wife and i felt like it! I mean ... McDonald's was our first choice! WE LOVED THE DOLLAR DOULBE CHEESE BURGER!!!! the 3 cookies .. the whole dollar menu was GREAT!! after that we were on a mission to fine the BEST Dollar menu of all!! We tried them all! Jack in the Box became our next phase .. $99 for a BIG Cheeseburger WAS THE BEST!! BLEW AWAY McDonal's version ... That and the curly fries we couldn't help but love it!!!! .. THHEENNNN we found the best of them all .... Carls Jr.'s "BIG CARL" ... if you haven't tried that, IT WAS GOOD!! Thats all we went for!!! Those where the day!!

Makes you hungry doesn't it??? ...... well ..... think about it for a second! Im hungry too writing about it!! LOL

Eating those great American Favorites in that moment was GREAT!!! Think about it .... "We are what we eat!"
Think about the moment eating these thing, Remember THAT moment ........ "We are what we eat!"
Life is great when eating it isn't it .....?

Now think about .... think about the moment after you've finished eating that meal, with the drink and the large fries or what ever it is thats your favorite!!! Think about the moment when its all done and in your body

"We are what we eat!"

Think about HOW YOU FELT!!! Did you feel different?????? Was your body telling you something? did you even notice?
The fullness, the bolting maybe .. the gas maybe??? all the signs that your body gives you is telling us something .. do you agree?

"We really are what we eat!"

Not eat fresh fruit, grilled chicken, veggies etc ..... then think about it ... how do you feel???

"We really are what we eat!"